Thursday, November 3, 2016

10 four note scales to play over D7#9

Those two tricky chords at the end of Miles Davis' 'All Blues' - D7#9 Eb7#9. If like me you have run out of ideas of what to play here, below are some simple four note ideas that might help. They are worked out from various sources, including Jerry Bergonzi's melodic structures (recently reviewed) as well as transcribed solos.

D F A B - Minor 6th scale (Mark Levine)
Bb C D F - Major pattern (Jerry Bergonzi)
C Eb F Gb - Half diminished pattern (Jerry Bergonzi)
C D Eb F - Minor idea based on Eb melodic minor
D F G Ab - Half diminished pattern (Jerry Bergonzi)
F Ab C D - Minor 6th
F G A C - Major pattern
F# G# A# C - Whole note idea based on Eb melodic minor
F F# G# A# - Major pattern  starting on the major 7th
F A C D - Major 6th

The great thing about four note patterns is that they can easily be transposed for a kind of motivic, sequential approach on the following Eb7#9 chord.

The list of this kind of devices can go on. There are many more depending on what kind of sound you want.

* I have made recordings of most of these patterns on both Sax and Piano. Anyone wishing to hear them contact me by mail and I'll send them to you.

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